Augmenting the Workforce of the Future with Holograms

Alice Bonasio
6 min readOct 24, 2017

Mixed Reality technology and devices like the Microsoft HoloLens are transforming the construction and manufacturing industries.

To deliver projects on time, within budget, and with better communication between teams and partners. This greater efficiency in terms of time, money and resources is the very real promise which Mixed Reality is bringing to many industries. It’s not surprising, therefore, that we’re seeing increasing momentum in developing and applying these immersive technologies to sectors like manufacturing and construction.

The Soluis Group group recently secured a £1 Million Innovate UK grant to develop an Augmented Worker System (AWE) which pioneers the use of Mixed Reality for the construction industry. It will enable the intelligent design, construction, maintenance and whole-life value of buildings, supporting construction and infrastructure growth.

Soluis will work with partner organisations including systems consultancy Pinnacle Business Solutions, Carbon Dynamic — an innovative modular timber building construction company- and two High Value Manufacturing Catapult centres — the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and the University of Strathclyde’s Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) which is an internationally recognized centre of R&D for manufacturing technologies…



Alice Bonasio

Technology writer for FastCo, Quartz, The Next Web, Ars Technica, Wired + more. Consultant specializing in VR #MixedReality and Strategic Communications